"Healing Through Beauty" Workshop
AUGUST 16th 2020 @ 1pm
Get your tickets https://www.weknowagirl.com/tickets
Use promo code: Lea
AUGUST 16th 2020 @ 1pm
Get your tickets https://www.weknowagirl.com/tickets
Use promo code: Lea
Join the list for info & news on upcoming workshops!
Powerful Little Ladies Workshops are designed for 5th & 6th graders to learn Self Care, Self Love, Bully Prevention, and How to Be a Good Friend.
Join the list for info & news on upcoming workshops!
Pretty Powerful Ladies Workshops are designed for 7th & 8th graders to learn Positive Self Esteem, Social Coping Skills, and Self Care.
Conscious Beauty Workshop $35 in advance $45 at door
Saturday, December 8, 2018 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
When we take the time to acknowledge ourselves and accept who we are, our inner and outer beauty collide creating this beautiful shiny existence. It’s definitely a tricky balancing act.
We may feel our inner beauty is on point, but we’re a little shaky when it comes to the outer beauty or vice versa. Conscious Beauty Workshop will touch on both inner and outer beauty. Let’s master both!
We’ll learn a few exercises to pump up our confidence.
Then switch gears to skin/makeup tutorials.
Please bring YOUR beauty products to this workshop.
If you don’t have any, that’s okay! We will go through the basics. We’ll find out if you need to get rid of some products or add to your makeup bag. Bring a friend! Let’s have some fun.
Let’s brighten our beautiful shiny existence!! Advance Payment & Location Details CLICK HERE
Gratitude Circle Workshop FREE
Gratitude benefits us most when it is a daily practice. With the holidays quickly approaching, giving thanks is in the spotlight. Let’s bask in the glow of the spotlight and spend a couple hours honoring ourselves and those around us who enrich our lives.
Give thanks for the beautiful lives we’ve been given.
We will also make Gratitude Stones. You can make a set for your self and/or give as a gift. This meetup will be FREE in honor of the gratitude I have for you all. ♥️♥️♥️ Location & RSVP CLICK HERE
Permission to Be Empowered Workshop $10 at door
Sometimes we need permission to feel empowered.
We will discuss self empowerment.
We will make an Empowerment Blend with essential oils.
Location & Details CLICK HERE
Full Day Retreat $250
August 25th, 2018
Balancing Act: How to Schedule Self Care into Your Life (and
not feel guilty!)
**Only 20 spots available!!!